About us

Our company, ALMI Health Care, is part of the Swedish brand Swedencare. The Swedish company discovered the beneficial effects of kelp on animal oral health and holds the ProDen PlaqueOff® patent, which guarantees the effectiveness of this method.

The benefits of kelp on reducing tartar formation were discovered in the 70s by a Swedish dentist, Dr. Sune Wikner, co-founder of Swedencare. His discovery was later confirmed by a series of clinical studies conducted on humans and domestic animals. ProDen PlaqueOff® products have become an innovative solution in animal oral health and are recommended by veterinarians worldwide.

ALMI is happy to build on this proven method and bring super premium dry dog food enriched with kelp to Europe. We’ve created an entire line of dry dog food to provide dogs of all ages with well-balanced nutrition and help them keep their teeth healthy.

4 chapters of ALMI’s story



Swedish dentist Dr. Sune Wikner discovered that eating a certain type of seaweed reduces chronic tartar formation in his patients.



Sune Wikner and colleague Roland Fastberg came across a dog whose teeth were positively affected by a feed containing the same seaweed.



After a number of pilot studies verifying the effects of seaweed, they founded Swedencare. The ProDen PlaqueOff® trademarked products guarantee to benefit animal oral health.

almi bottle


ALMI, a manufacturer of dry dog food with seaweed with the ProDen PlaqueOff® certificate, enters the European market.

© 2023 - 2024 ALMI Health Care s.r.o.

Petrovice 169
679 02 Petrovice

ID No.: 17105323
